I was driving home today after a long day of client meetings, installation appointments and networking events, thinking to myself, “gosh, I can’t wait to get home.”  I happened to manage a couple of minutes to stop by Michaels to pick up some frames for my son’s amazing school artwork that I’ve been promising myself and him I would frame for three weeks, and was so excited to just get home tonight, frame it, hang it and admire it.  That is what it’s all about isn’t? That is what home is supposed to be.  It’s a place to surround yourself with your favorite memories.  A place to let your hair down, grab that cup of tea and cuddle up on your favorite chair with the book you’ve been taking way too long to finish.  It’s being so excited to get there at the end of a long hard day, to simply unwind and be calmer, more laid back self.

That is what I love most about my work.  It’s the opportunity to help my clients create that special space for themselves.  It’s assisting them in sifting through their most precious things and finding that perfect spot where they can admire them the most.  It’s putting her chaise lounge at the perfect angle by the window so she can curl up and enjoy the outdoors while for her only free five minutes on a Saturday morning, before heading out to soccer practice, or ballet recitals.  It’s creating that cozy master bedroom retreat with the perfect sectional for her to curl up into and catch up on Game of Thrones after putting her little one to bed.  It’s helping her find an attractive and stylish recliner (yes, they do exist) that will make him happy during football season.  For me its really about helping them create those “ahh” moments in their home.  I am feeling so grateful that this is what I get to do for a living!  And so grateful for the amazing people I get to do it for!

The start of my family “love” wall.  Currently I have photos of my kids and dogs as well as my son’s artwork.  I intend to add photos of my extended family and additional memorabilia.  It will be an ongoing project that I enjoy focusing on and pouring myself into.

A chaise lounge requested by a client, specifically for reading and enjoying the view outdoors…

The sectional sofa in the master bedroom retreat where my client curls up to catch up on her favorite shows…

A client’s collection of family photos and memorabilia, arranged into a beautiful “life” wall collage.  I love projects like this!